14. For each of following relations with no repeating group, indicate (1) every determinant (separate each determinant using a ;), (2) the most appropriate primary key for the relation and (3) the violation of the lowest normal form. Minus one point for each mistake. a. Contract (ContractBudget, ContractID, ConsultantID, ConsultantName, EmployeeID, ContractDescription, EmployeeName) Assumptions: (1) A consultant can work on more than one contract; (2) An employee can work on more than one contract; and (3) A contract can only have one employee and one consultant. Determinant(s): Primary key(s): Lowest normal form violation: Instruction (StudentID, InstructorID, CourseID) Assumptions: (1) A course can be taught by many instructor (2) A student can have more than one course; (3) A student always has the same instructor for the same course; and (4) An instructor only teaches one specific course. Determinant(s): Primary key(s): Lowest normal formal form violation: StudentSport (SportID, SportFee, StudentID, StudentName) b. C. d. e. Assumptions: (1) A student can only play one sport; and (2) A sport has only one fee. Determinant(s): Primary key(s): Lowest normal form violation: Account (CustomerID, BankID, AccountType) Assumptions: (1) A customer can have more than one bank; (2) A customer can have more than one account type with a bank; and (3) A bank can offer more than one account type. eterminant(s): Primary key(s): Lowest normal form violation: Shipping (RoutNo, OriginCity, DestinationCity, Distance) Assumption: Common Sense Determinant(s): Primary key(s): Lowest normal form first violated: