Number of Questions: 10 1. What are the two main types of software? Which of these two types of software is important to a knowledge worker? Why? 2. Which type of computer would you recommend for a small startup company that is trying to get the most value for their money? 3. A company is expanding quickly and is trying to compete in the North American market so they will need a computer system that can handle the processing requests for hundreds of their workers. Which type of computer would you recommend they buy? 4. A startup industrial design company is needing to buy software to help them design their machinery. What category of software do they need? 5. The owner of a Vancouver company has finally decided to use information technology in their business. The owner hires you to advise him on what he needs to buy. You recommend a computer system and then you explain to him that he will need to buy system software. The owner has no idea what system software is so you will need to briefly describe it to him. 6. At the beginning of my ELM A Lecture Notes on MyCC there is a demonstration called How a Computer Works, In each step the diagram changes to show how the computer Homework Assignment #2 Fall 2022 Extended Learning Module A (ELM A) - Hardware and Software Number of C 15: 10 1. What are the two main types of software? Which of these two types of software is important to a knowledge worker? Why? 2. Which type of computer would you recommend for a smail startup company that is trying to get the most value for their money? 3. A company is expanding quickly and is trying to compete in the North American market so they will need a computer system that can handle the processing requests for hundreds of their workers. Which type of computer would you recommend they buy? 4. A startup industrial design company is needing to buy software to help them design their machinery. What category of software do they need? 5. The owner of a Vancouver company has finally decided to use information technology in their business. The owner hires you to advise him on what he needs to buy. You recommend a computer system and then you explain to him that he will need to buy system software. The owner has no idea what system software is so you will need to briefly describe it to him. 6. At the beginning of my ELM A Lecture Notes on MyCC there is a demonstration called How a Computer Works. In each step the diagram changes to show how the computer