The following sentences contain various flaws. Rewrite these sentences, adding any details necessary to make each conversational, positive, concise and unbiased. (Value: 10 x 1=10 marks) 1. Due to the fact that we most sincerely regret the difficulties you experienced with the Excello printer that you returned to us, Mr. Sethi, we trust that our enclosed refund, in the amount of $578.75, which reflects the full purchase price of said printer, will satisfy you. 2. Armstrong Lumber Corporation has received Purchase Order 19-7896 from Mr. Andrew Forsythe of the Weston Construction Company and hereby acknowledges same. Further, Armstrong Lumber Corporation agrees to deliver the materials specified by May 27. 3. This letter is written in re the monthly statement I received for the month of June, which statement I believe to be in error and which I hereby question. 4. In response to your request for our best possible shipping date for the replacement parts listed on your purchase order, we are pleased to notify you that all parts are currently in stock and can be ready for shipment to your plant by Friday, September 6th 5. Because inferior equipment is not acceptable, we are returning the two defective Atlas pumps you sent us. 6. For sending us your payment past the due date, October 9, which was clearly labelled on your monthly statement, you must now be penalized a late payment charge of $9.80, which will be added to your November statement. 7. The wall plates you sent us were scratched and chipped, and we are not paying for them. 8. Gregory, I wish to take this opportunity to express my thanks to you for your excellent handling of the Weaver account. 9. As soon as we receive your cheque in the amount of $50, we will at that moment reserve a copy of this collector's edition for you. 10. Two salesmen aboard the plane asked a stewardess for a revised flight schedule.