Which of the following is an action that a person in favor of pure capitalism supports?
Group of answer choices
A woman just lost her job and finds herself without income for her family for one year; a private, local charity donates $20,000 to her family in order to pay for essential expenses that year.
The government provides subsidies to struggling farmers in order to keep them from failing and in order to maintain a sufficient food supply for the population.
A business invests in stocks and bonds. It uses non-public insider information (against the law) in order to increase its profits. The government convicts the business. However, in order to preserve employment and the health of the business, the government decides to not punish the business.
After a large, important business declares bankruptcy, the government provides bailout funds to this business to prevent this business from failing.
The Federal Reserve prints $75 billion each month this year in order to stimulate the economy and lower the unemployment rate