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Exercise 51 Clauses. (1) In the first blank, write n. if the italicized clause is used as a noun, adj. if
of each noun clause s (subject), d.o. (direct object), p.n. (predicate nominative), o.p. (object of
used as an adjective, and adv if used as an adverb. (2) In the second blank, write the function
preposition, or ap (appositive). [Handbook sections 6.1-6.17]
1. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
2. During the years he spent in the United States, Albert Einstein
worked with a research group in Princeton, New Jersey.
3. Jesus knew Judas would betray Him.
4. He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man.
5. Hundreds would have never known want, if they had not first
known waste. -Spurgeon
6. The alchemists' belief that lead could be turned into gold was
7. The cheetah runs much faster than the average r
8. Strangers are friends that you have yet to meet. -Lieberman
9. Whosoever believeth in Christ shall have everlasting life.
10. A return to biblical principles is what is needed in America today.
11. When men speak ill of you, live so that nobody will believe them.