1. A business responsibility is to its shareholders and customers. a. No Change c. business' b. business's d. businesses 2. Knowing that the auditor was coming, the books were brought up to date. a. No Change b. coming, the books were updated. c. coming, we updated the books. d. coming, the books were brought up to date by us. 3. Conference Room B was being painted, therefore, we moved the meeting to the auditorium. a. No Change c. painted: therefore, b. painted; therefore, d. painted: therefore we, 4. How do we clasify this material? a. No Change c. classiffy this b. clasafy this d. classify this 5. When he said "right away" he wasn't kidding. a. No Change c. "right away, b. "right away", d. "right away;" 6. New sales representatives have been hired for Sherbrooke, Québec, Brandon, Manitoba, and Lethbridge, Alberta. a. No Change b. Sherbrooke; Québec, Brandon; Manitoba, and Lethbridge; Alberta c. Sherbrooke, Québec; Brandon, Manitoba; and Lethbridge, Alberta d. Sherbrooke; Québec; Brandon; Manitoba; Lethbridge; Alberta 7. Did you read the article "Is a Personal Computer for You?"? a. No Change c. You"? b. You?" d. You."? 8. Upon my recommendation we closed the store during alterations. a. No Change c. reccomendation b. recomendation d. reccommendation a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d 9. The companies' responsibility involves paying its claims within 30 days. a. No Change c. companys' d. company's b. companies 10. Both the Averys' are employed by Silverman Manufacturing Corporation. a. No Change c. Avery's b. Averys d. Averies a b c d a b c d