Argument Paragraph Assignment


For the argument paragraph, your main goal is to take a clear position on an issue and to explain to the reader the reasons why you feel this way.

Elements of the paragraph:

1. Topic Sentence: A statement of your position on the issue.

2. Body Sentences: Explaining the reasons why you feel this way, based solely on your personal opinions and experience. NO RESEARCH SHOULD BE DONE or outside sources used for this assignment. Provide clear examples and be sure to use transitions between your points and examples.

3. Concluding sentence: Re-emphasize your position and even point back to one or more examples given in the body of the paragraph.

Audience: Your instructor and the general reader

Tone: Informative and Illustrative (using good examples and details)


· Consider the most persuasive points and examples to use.

· Consider what the opposing point of view is and how you could best counter that.

· Don❝t attack the opposing point of view. You may, though, acknowledge that one of the opposing points of view is valid in some way.

· Avoid faulty reasoning. Examples: ❝It❝s right because everybody says it is.❝ ❝It❝s wrong because my teacher says it is.❝ ❝It❝s right because it would make everyone happy.❝

Assignment Guidelines:

Remember all your writing must be your own work and not from any person or source beyond your own mind. Plagiarism results in an ❝F.❝

You will develop your paragraph in two parts. Submit both parts for the assignment.

Part I: Brainstorming List (to be turned in also)

§ Choose one of the topics below.

§ Make a list of everything that comes to your mind about your opinion on the topic.

§ Re-arrange your list. Circle the most important or strongest reasons why you feel the way you do.

§ Type your Brainstorming list (just words and phrases).

§ Turn that typed list in along with your paragraph.

Part II: Paragraph

§ Review your brainstormed list, and select the information you want to include in this paragraph.

§ Develop these ideas into sentences.

§ Look over what you have written and review what the position is that you want to communicate to the reader.

§ Create a topic sentence that clearly states that position.

§ Use the topic sentence as your first sentence in the paragraph.

§ Make sure all the other detailed sentences support that topic sentence with reasons why you feel the way you do.

§ End your paragraph with a closing that sums up the main point❝your position❝of the paragraph but uses different wording than the topic sentence.

Topic Sentence:

Create a strong, specific topic sentence that tells the reader what your position is on the issue you❝ve chosen.


Transitions are extremely important in writing because they help the reader more easily move from point to point, example to example, in your paragraph.

For more information, review your textbook reading.


Choose one of the topics below to write an original paragraph about.

1. Take a position on smoking on CPCC.

2. Take a position on whether or not CPCC needs a printed student newspaper.

3. Take a position on whether or not Wingate students should be required to take a required orientation session for online courses.

4. Take a position on how to deal with disruptive students on CPCC or within the classroom.

5. Part-time instructors teach the majority of English courses at CPCC. Take a position that this is wrong and give reasons why you feel this way.

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