Sound Level Intensity [W/m²] 100,000 (105) [dB] Rocket Launch 170 Rock Concert 10 (10¹) 130 Threshold of pain 1 (10⁰) 120 Woodworking shop 0.1 (10¹) 110 jackhammer 0.01 (102) 100 Inside a bus 0.001 (10) 90 Speech at 1 m 0.000,001 (10) 60 Inside a typical house 0.000,000,01 (10) 40 Whisper 0.000,000,000,1 (100) 20 Threshold of hearing 0,000,000,000,1 (102) 0 Table 1.1: Approximate SIL for various sources of sound. 1. If Sound B is 10 times the intensity of Sound A, then its decibel level higher. 2. If Sound C is 100 times the intensity of Sound A, then its decibel level is higher. 3. If Sound D is 1000 times the intensity of Sound A, then its decibel level is higher. 4. If Sound I is 10000 times the intensity of Sound A, then its decibel level is higher. is