ACTIVITY 2: Science and Technology Combating the Spread of HIV/AIDS

Poor healthcare and poor strategies in combating the spread of the disease have led to the increased rates of infection. Most countries advocate the use of condoms. However, this has not proved to be an effective way to reduce the spread of the disease. Many Africans believe that condoms are a threat to spreading the disease among the African people. Moreover, many condoms that are produced and distributed in Africa are defective and provide no protection against the spread of disease or pregnancy. The government of Uganda has been under criticism for its campaign promoting abstinence as a way to control the spread of HIV/ AIDS. However , it has produced results. The spread of the disease has been significantly reduced.

1) Explain Uganda’s ABC program in the fight against HIV/AIDS
a. _______
b. _______
c. _______

2) Why has the Ugandan government pushed Abstinence as a means of combating the spread of HIV/AIDS?

3) What risks are involved with the use of condoms in combating the spread of HIV/AIDS?

4) On a separate piece of paper, construct a population pyramid to illustrate the current age groups infected by HIV/AIDS in Uganda.

ACTIVITY 2 Science and Technology Combating the Spread of HIVAIDS Poor healthcare and poor strategies in combating the spread of the disease have led to the inc class=