wall of Gram-positive bacteria cell vihig layer of peptnloglycan a thick layer of peptidoglycan due to its thickness, an exdeTent barrier to moat molecules. ains an outer membrane containing LPS cont D contains a thin layer of peptidoglycm AND contains an outer membrane containing LPS s wah rtp filian B. Mycobacterium tuberculosis C. Staphylococcus aures 17. All the bacterial cells that result from the roplication of a single organism are said to be a A. population. B. pure culture. C lag culture. D. mutant etlture 18. The solidifying agent used most successfully in bacterial nutrient media is A. gelatin. B. peptone C. agar D. starch. 19. The simplest technique for isolating bacteria in growth media is referred to as the A. pour plate method. streak plate method. C. serial dilution method D. MPN method. the bacteria are rapidly increasing in number in the 20 in the growth curve of a bacteria population, the bacteria are rapidly increasing in mumber in the A. lag phase 3exponential (log) phase stationary phase. decline phase. E boomer phase. 21. During which phase of growth are bacteria most susceptible to antibiotics? A. lag B, stationary C. exponential (log) D. decline 22. When doing experiments with bacteria A. it is usually not necessary to standardize which stage of growth is used. B. it is best to use colonies as all the bacteria in a colony are at the same stage of growth. C it is best to use bacteria from the same stage of growth. D, the age of the bacteria is not important.