You are a doctorate student in biology doing a dissertation about the insect Desmolithica Geogebra. This insect causes serious damage to plums, apricot and flowering cherries. The female insect lays as many as thirty to sixty eggs on the leaves of the host trees. The time when the insect larva hatches from its egg up to the moment in finding its host tree is called the searching period. Once the insect finds the plum, it squirms into the fruit and begin to ruin it. After approximately four weeks, the insect will crawl back under the bark of the plum tree or directly to the soil where it forms a cocoon. The observation regarding the behavior of the insect demonstrate the length of the searching period S(t), and the percentage of the larvae that survive this period N(t), depend on the air temperature denoted by t. The data from the observations suggest that if the air temperature is measure in degree celsius, where 20