Find the nearest big city (or group of islands of significant size), based on the following coordinates. List the city then country. Continent name is not needed. If it’s in the U.S., Mexico, or Canada, also include the state/province/territory. Don’t mix up your cities, countries, and continents!

1. (33.9249° S, 18.4241° E)
2. (19.72° N, 155.09° W)
3. (42.73° N, 84.5° W)
4. (47° 53', 106° 54')
5. (-51° 41', -57° 51')
6. (56° 56' N, 24° 6' E)
7. (41° 44’ N, 44° 47’ E)
8. (-9.44, 147.19)