A local authority is planning to expand its provision of schools in its local community. Whilst the local authority has decided that PPP should not be used to procure these facilities, it still aims to take a loan to fund the design and build cost of the project. The annual budget the local authority has available to support the servicing and repayment of this loan, the life cycle cost (repairs), the facilities management costs (management, utility, and maintenance) and the final demolition cost is $2 Million.
The following information is given to you to offer advice on the target construction cost that needs to be provided to potential bidders.
• Duration of design and build (D&B) 1 year
• Life of school 25 years
• Life Cycle and facilities management cost 10% of D&B cost per year
• Demolition cost at the end of the school’s life $1M
a) Assuming a borrowing interest rate of 9% and that the loan is to be fully paid back by the end of the school’s life, calculate the target design and build cost that should be provided to potential bidders. You may ignore the effect of inflation in this question. (12 marks)
b) When the tenders for the projects were received, it was found that the lowest bidder submitted a tender for £10.2 Million. Given the annual budget noted above, can the local authority pay back all of the loans associated before 35 years? You may assume that the life cycle and facilities management costs are now 10% of tendered value.(8 marks)