Relevant Concepts
• Persuasive messages
• Employment messages
• Sentence structure
• Verb tense
• Punctuation
• Number usage
• Professional tone
• Understanding your audience
The following resume highlights the writer’s work experience. This message contains several verb errors (tense and passive voice), number usage errors, grammatical errors, spelling errors, sentence errors (run-on, comma splices, etc.), and style errors.
- A.S., Criminal Justice, Zane State, Zanesville, OH, 1999
- B.S., Criminal Justice, Ohio University, Athens, OH, 2000
- Masters of Public Administration, Ohio University, Athens, OH, 2009
Director of Intensive Probation
Athens County, Ohio
- Work in a customer service oriented environment for offenders and community resources
- Work with as many as seventy five case files at a time and security issues in court
- Work with multiple court cases each day (testifying)
- Grant manager – includes writing and executing
- Authorize hiring for employees covered by grant
- Supervise other probation officers covered by grant
- Establish and maintained automated and manual files for all persons on probation
- Compile a variety of routine and/or special reports or documents requested by The Ohio Department of Corrections
- Answer phone calls from all persons requesting information about probation
- Schedule appointments for all probationers on Intensive Probation for office visits and probation hearings with the court
- Receive all individuals who entered the office building and directed them to the appropriate probation officer
- Supervised individuals ordered to complete Intensive Probation Program (45-50 individuals at any time)
- Fill out ORAS to determine offenders’ high risk social behaviors and then recommended services to mitigate risks
- Monitor compliance with counseling and rehabilitative services continually to maintain adherence to court orders
- Create and tracked all purchase orders for the Intensive Probation Program
- Maintain all copies of purchase orders, invoices, and payment vouchers for annual audits from the Department of Corrections
- Testify in probation violation hearings and served as court security
- Foster contacts and working relationships with law enforcement, community service providers, and state social service agencies
- Receive a one hundred percent and 97 % compliance in the annual audits from the Department of Correction
Physical Security Manager
Sunshine Bank
- Worked in a customer service environment for all branches requesting physical security help
- Managed multiple worksites (cases) per day to the completion of 320 conversions.
- Performed as project leader for an alarm conversion spanning 320 locations in 5 states totaling five point seven million dollars
- Communicates with manufacturers, representatives, distributors, and other suppliers in order to negotiate purchase orders, modifications, and delivery orders via email and/or phone
- Evaluated equipment and devices proposed by vendors before purchasing for a source selection
- Performed market research for selected equipment by attending trade shows and contacting peer businesses
- Requested proposals for security systems and devices to equip new branch construction from vendors
- Addressed operational issues of products with vendors, project managers, and sales managers
- POC for all security-related vendors: sales managers and project managers
- Created and tracked completion of purchase orders for security-related devices and programs
- Supervised alarm monitoring section of 9 personnel and $500,000 in equipment
- Designed security layout of alarm and camera systems for all new construction
- Established a central location for all security purchases to receive payment approval
Second Lieutenant
U.S. Air Force
- Acting commander of a 284-person squadron for a month, the largest active duty unit on AFB
- Directly supervised 2 and managed 20 other personnel along with $5 million in equipment
- Supervised the redevelopment of a block training program that reduced off-day training time by 80%
- Developed and executed training program; brought unit into 100% compliance in one month
- Hiring official for GS-11 position for SFA
- Hiring official for GS-5 position for SFA
- Managed security for priority level assets in multiple locations
- Supervised 83 individuals during increased threat conditions
- Led week-long security detail protecting all Air Force four-star generals and the Secretary of the Air Force
- Oversaw the highly visible Pass and ID office, completing over 12,000 actions monthly
Instructions: Within the body of the e-mail below, highlight the sentences that contain errors. (Click once to highlight and click again to remove highlight.)