Define and explain the significance of the following.
(1) Limited liability partnership
(1) Condition
(1) False imprisonment
(1) Assault
(1) Duress
(1) Caveat
(1) What is the standard of care of a Gratuitous Bailment for the benefit of the Bailee?
(1) Injunction - when is it used?
(1) Quantum meruit
(1) Tenancy in Common
(1) Doctrine of corporate opportunity
(2) Misrepresentation by omission
(2) Agency by ratification
(3) Statutory Right of Way
(4) Dismissal for cause - when does it occur and what is its effect? What must the employer pay?
(4) What is a limited partnership and when is it a desirable choice for a business organization?
(4) What are the benefits of incorporation?