Elaine operated a business selling body lotions and creams. She would often display her products on tables set up on the sidewalk immediately in front of her store. To make her products more visible, she had strong floodlights attached to the top of the storefront, which automatically came on when it began to get dark and were used to illuminate the tables on the sidewalk. On a Tuesday afternoon it began to suddenly get dark and rain lightly, but Elaine was busy inside the store and did not have an opportunity to get out and cover the tables on the sidewalk. Unknown to Elaine, a bottle of lotion had fallen onto the sidewalk and the contents had leaked onto the walkway in front of the table. As a pedestrian crossed in front of her store the floodlights came on suddenly and the pedestrian, briefly blinded by the lights, slipped on the spilled lotion. Elaine came running out of the store as a man helped the woman who had fallen back to her feet. Elaine heard the woman tell the man she was okay, only a bit shaken, and that it was her own fault for not looking where she was going. The rain had spread the lotion even further on the sidewalk so Elaine quickly got a mop and cleaned up the mess. Meanwhile, the woman who had fallen limped off muttering about the bright spots floating in her eyesight. 1. Discuss what Elaine should do to minimize the potential fall out and what practical steps she should take that would assist with any legal issues. 2. Name and discuss preventative measures that should be put in place to eliminate something like this from ever happening again.