Cosmos: The Electric Boy Assignment

1. What was Humphry Davy's experiment and how did it go wrong? What could he have done differently?
2. What did Humphry Davy notice about a wire with electricity running through it as he brought it near a compass?
3. What was Humphry Davy's next project for Michael Faraday and why did he give him that particular project?
4. What did Michael Faraday create as a result of his efforts? How did it work?
5. What did Michael Faraday notice when he moved a magnet in and out of a wire?
6. What were some of the materials Michael Faraday used to see if light would be affected by magnets? What ended up working in the end? What did it mean?
7. What did Michael Faraday notice when he sprinkled iron filings around current carrying wires? What did he think ultimately meant?
8. Why did Michael Faraday's contemporaries in science not believe his hypothesis about field forces? What did he need in order to convince them?
9. How do the effects of Michael Faraday's invention shape society even today?

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