4. You are contemplating buying a ranch on shortgrass prairie in eastern Colorado. The range condition is good. The range is flat and well-watered (no part of the pasture is over 2.4 km from water). Based on information and your clipping estimates, production of key species average 1300 lb/ac of dry matter per year. The ranch is 5500 ac in size, and you are planning a cow-calf operation. Show me your work, if you want to have credit. Question 1: How many 1000-lb cows can you have in your base herd? Question 2: If sheep were substituted for cattle, how many sheep can you have in your base herd. Question 3: How many cows (1000 lb) and how many yearlings (15-18 months) should you have in your herd in an average forage production year if 40% of your grazing capacity is used for yearlings (15-18 months)? Question 4: How many cows (1000 lb) and how many pronghorns (should you have in an average forage production year if 60% of your grazing capacity is used for pronghorn?
Question 5: If this range were used for only 6 months with yearlings, how many yearlings can you run?

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