This case is broken up into four distinct stages: 1) preparation for your first brick-and-mortar restaurant, 2) expansion into a second city, 3) the addition of outside investors and, 4) the announced plans for significant future expansion. At each stage, thoughtful consideration should be given to your organizational structure, including the jobs that need to be covered, the tasks that need to be done, and any additional services that need to be offered. As you expand, you also have to consider critical issues such as maintaining consistency and potential geographic differences that could impact your offerings or services. The six key elements of organizational design provide a framework to address these important questions.
For each stage, answer the following questions:
How should work activities be subdivided into separate jobs (i.e., what tasks need to be done and what jobs need to be covered) (work specialization)?
How should these jobs be grouped together (departmentalization)?
Who reports to whom (chain of command)?
How many employees should report to any one manager (span of control)?
Who has the authority to make decisions (centralization/decentralization)?
How do formal rules and regulations direct employees and managers actions (formalization)?