We do this to visualize the project and plan the steps required to achieve the goals of the project. A blueprint will help guide your team and will also communicate to the Employer what your plan is and ensure that you’re meeting the goals and the tasks at hand. Your Project Blueprint should answer the following questions:
What will be the flow of our activities?
What is my role?
What methods will we be using?
What are the deliverables and milestones (timelines)?
How will you create your Project Blueprint?
1. Create a timeline
Map out what you plan on working on each week
2. Map out the methods and activities to be used
This will allow team members to bring together their work and create a more solid and uniform project
3. Define the deliverable and timeline for each phase
Set target dates for important deliverables. Consider the start and end dates for each activity and phase
4. Supplement with project details
For each timeline, indicate the actions and activities necessary, including research, any interviews necessary and how you will collaborate with each other. Make sure each of you is aware of your role and responsibility on your team
5. Visualize your blueprint
Try to integrate and visualize your plan on one page, capturing all of the activities, methods and deliverables required. Combining your road map will help you keep all the activities in context, providing a vision of how everything will come together in one comprehensive master plan for your project
Additional Information:
Keep your Project Blueprint high level (summary)
Try to keep your Project Blueprint to one page
Remember to ask questions so that you’re providing the best information possible to the Employer
Don’t miss meetings that may be planned with the Employer. Be professional!
Remember that you’re the HR Expert. Apply what you’ve learned
Don’t forget to cite the sources that you will use in your research