CONDUCTING JOB ANALYSIS Raja Dania, the finance manager of Daeng Parani Manufacturing Sdn Bhd stormed into the office of Aiman Adi, the human resource manager, looking agitated. "Aiman, this memo from you asking me to submit updated job descriptions for all my staff by end of this month is too much," he said. You are wasting my time and don't you know that I have to finish my half-year accounts by end of this month too," he added. Aiman looked at him and asked, "Are you saying you need more time?" Dania replied, "No, time is only one of my problems because I have 12 people in my department and that means a lot of time needed to update the job descriptions. Why do we need to do this? After all we have been doing our work just fine without even looking at the job descriptions, which are just kept in my file. I am more worried if during the process of updating my staff start looking at their job descriptions and get ideas that they do not need to do the things which are not listed in their job descriptions. Then if we start updating properly, some people will claim that their jobs will need to be upgraded and if we do not do any promotion exercise, we will have a big morale problem. Now do you understand why I am upset and do not want to do this if possible? Do you agree with Dania's reasoning that staff will only do what is written and refuse to do anything not written if they were to see their own job descriptions?