Possible Topics: - Management Theory and Evolving Viewpoints - Ethics and Social Responsibility - Global Management and Understanding Cultural Differences
- Strategic Management and Positioning - Human Resource Management
- Leadership and Managing People as People - Perspectives on Employee Motivation - Management vs Leadership
Directions: Select a company that interests you and choose one of the above topics. Alternatively, you can choose one of the topics that you find most interesting and then choose a company. For help selecting a company, look throughout the chapter and at the end-of-chapter discussions for ideas. There are often case studies that can be researched in further detail. Review concepts from the chapter and research how these specific concepts relate to your organization. You might discuss recent changes and/or examine critical issues that the organization has faced and detail the strategies employed to mitigate them. Requirements: - The paper should be between 3-5 typed pages (not including the reference page) - Use double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins
- A minimum of 5 management concepts discussed in your textbook must be incorporated into your paper. Be sure concepts relate to your topic and are used correctly. Identify these concepts in bold type. - You should use and document at least 4 sources (one of the 4 can be your textbook). All sources must be appropriately identified in your paper. You must follow MLA rules for documentation. Footnotes are not necessary; however, in-text citations and a reference page are required. See link below for MLA requirements.