a. A loan of $50, 000 is being repaid over a period of 5 years by a series of level monthly installments. Interest is charged on the loan at the rate of 8% pa effective. After the payment at the end of 7 years, the borrower takes a 2- month payment break, i.e., he does not pay the next 2 monthly installments. Calculate the extra amount he has to pay each month in order to clear his debt by the tenth year. b. A woman takes out a home improvement loan for $11, 000 over 5 years. She makes monthly payments in arrear and the bank charges an effective rate of interest of 6% pa. I. How much interest does she pay in the third year? How much capital is repaid in the 20th installment? II. III. At the end of the 4th year, she decides to make further improvements to her house and wants to borrow another $4,000 at that stage. If her total balance is to be repaid over 3 years by level monthly payments and there is no alteration to the interest rate, how much is each payment?