Refer to the WORKERS1000 data attached. Data from 1000 people between the ages of 25 and 64 who have worked but whose main work experience is not in agriculture.
The variables are: AGE (in years)
EDUC-highest level of education reached (I-did not reach high school, 2-some high school but no diploma, 3-high school diploma, 4-some college but no bachelor's degree, 5-bachelor's degree, 6-postgraduate degree)
SEX (1-male, 2-female) EARN-Total income (in dollars) from all sources (can be less than 0).
JOB-Job class (5-private sector, 6-government, 7-self-
Use this document as the answer sheet. Paste graphs into the document and type summaries underneath. Type results of numerical calculations and give summaries underneath.
1. Use software to generate a graph summarizing the education levels of the workers and paste below. Describe the distribution of education.
2. Use software to generate a histogram of Total income and paste below. Describe the important features of the distribution. Based on the histogram, which numerical measures (mean and standard deviation or 5-number summary) seem most appropriate? Explain your choice.
3. Use software to generate a single graph with side-by-side boxplots for Total income, with separate boxes for males and females (e.g., Figure 1.17) and paste below. Use the boxplots to compare the distributions. Be sure to include center, spread, symmetry and outliers in your comparisons.
4. Use software to generate a histogram of Age and paste below. Describe the important features of the distribution. Based on the histogram, which numerical measures (mean and standard deviation or 5-number summary) seem most appropriate? Explain your choice.