Bronk's Gardens proposes to plant flower beds for the new YMCA.Bronks has throe pntterns for the bed arrangements.Pattern 1 ues 40 tulips25 daffodis.and 6 boxwood.Pattern II uses 25 tulips20 daffodis,and 5 boxwood Pattern l1I uses 45 tnlips,50 dalfodilsand 8 bcxwood.The prolit for ench pattern in$47 for Pattern I,$38 for Pattern I1,and $60 for Pattern IIL.Bronk's gardens currently has 1280 tnlips1700 daffodilsand 230 boxwood availableFind how many of bods of each pattern should he ued hy Bronk's to maximize the protit. n Give only the objoctive function and state whether yon nre trying to mnximize or minimize the objective function.Do not solve the probkm or give any of the other constraints.) rinblen in the objective funetion given abovet