Chapter 3 Matching ✓ Three contstraints which apply to all IT projects are time, cost, and ✓ A map of all the tasks associated with a certain project ✓ A point in time reference in project management ✓ Set of tasks which determine the minimum amount of time in which a project may be completed ✓ Takes both a qualitative and a quantitative approach to determining impacts ✓ A project management issue when requirements expand over the course of the project without prior planning or authorization Important for defining and documenting an action plan for resolving project dangers To be fully undersood this must be evaluated based on its probablity and impact ✓ GanttProject, MS Project, Apptivo ✓ Important for keeping team members an cross teams on the same page 1. Project Creep 2. Risk Analysis 3. Milestone 4. Critical Path 5. Risk Response Plan 6. Project Management Software 7. scope 8. Project Risk 9. Project Status Meetings 10. WBS