
ense) time, a habi d before this hat is yet to B. Change the tenses as indicated. 1. I am late for school (to simple future tense) I wil be late, for school. Rita is interested in becoming an engineer. (to simple past 2. 4. 5. tense) Rita was interested in 7. 8. 9. becoming an engineer. Tarun is going to watch a football match on Tuesday. (to simple present tense) Tarun went to watch a football match in Tuesday Dhanusha was flooded after the monsoon. (to simple present tense) In the morning, we walked to the mountains. (to simple future tense) We will move to a new house in January. (to simple present tense) He will lay down his life for the country. (to simple past tense) He works quickly. (to simple future tense) Kamala did not like eating these mangoes. (to simple present goes tense) Kumla will not like eating these man 10. We went to Kathmandu last week. (to simple present tense) 11. If he wants, he can run very quickly. (to simple past tense) collective noun phor of people,​