The Bibble Company Limited, is a retailer of boxes, shoes and home appliances. The company has a staff of 1000 employees. Bibble company limited, has been ranked by the Association of Ghana Industry as one of the best company to work for, and has received awards for its people management strategies. The company’s success is attributed to good leadership, ethical values, good policies, good technology and a strong customer service philosophy, which allows employees to take ownership and make decisions they believe will benefit the customer. The company invests in training of its employees. Employees are paid 70-100 percent above the industry average, financial information is shared with employees and benefits are offered to both full and part time employees. Until recently, managers were responsible for many traditional human resource management functions such as attracting, motivating, and retaining employees. This is based on the philosophy that because managers are closest to employees, they best understand what human resource management practices are necessary. a. What suggested title will you give to this case study, and justify this (2 marks) b. Identify and discuss all the Human Resource Management (HRM) issues in this case study. (15 marks) c. Do you think the manager’s role in human resource management (HRM) should grow, shrink or remain the same? Explain? (4 marks) d. Explain what human resource practitioners should be responsible for in the management of staff? (4 marks) Total (25 marks).