P(2, 1, 1), (0, 4, 1), R(-2, 1, 4) and S(1,5,-4) Lines: Given the points Equations: Find a vector equation for the line that passes through both P and Q P and Q Find parametric equations for the line that passes through both Find symmetric equations for the line that passes through both P and Q P and Q and contains R. Find a line that is parallel to the line that passes through both Find a line that intersects the line that passes through both P and Q and contains R. What angle do the two lines make? Distance from a point to a line: P and 0, R or S? Which point is farther from the line that passes through both Planes Equations: Find a vector equation for the plane that contains the points Find a scalar equation for the plane that contains the points Distance from a point to a plane P, Q and R₂ How far is the point S from the plane that contains the points P, Q and R Find a plane that contains S and is parallel to the plane that contains the points Find a plane that contains S and is perpendicular to the plane that contains the points P, Q and R P, Q and R P, Q and R