Problem 6. Bitcoin script. Alice is on a backpacking trip and is worried about her devices con- taining private keys getting stolen. She wants to store her bitcoins in such a way that they can be redeemed via knowledge of a password. Accordingly, she stores them in the following ScriptPubKey address:
<0xeb271cbcc2340d0b0e6212903e29f22e578ff69b> OP_EQUAL

a. Write a ScriptSig script that will successfully redeem this transaction given the password. Hint: it should only be one line long.
b. Suppose Alice chooses an eight character password. Explain why her bitcoins can be stolen soon after her UTXOS are posted to the blockchain. You may assume that computing SHA256 of all eight character passwords can be done in reasonable time.
c. Suppose Alice chooses a strong 20 character passphrase. Is the ScriptPubKey above a secure way to protect her bitcoins? Why or why not?
Hint: reason through what happens when she tries to redeem her bitcoins.