Activity Write a code of ethics and establish an ethics policy for PAC. Include plans for implementation. Many organizations post their code of ethics on their web sites, so you may want to research sample code of ethics documents online. Research topics 1. HR's role as a partner in strategic planning. 2. Establishing a climate of ethics in organizations. Human Resource Development Address the following issues 1. Identify the goals of PAC's training programs. Are they meeting these goals? What could be improved? 2. Discuss PAC's efforts to retain and transfer knowledge. Are these efforts effective? What could be done to improve the process? 3. What can HRD do to improve transfer of training? 4. How can HRD demonstrate return on investment to prevent cuts in the training budget? What is the business case for training? Activity Research Kirkpatrick's four levels of training evaluation and design an evaluation system for PAC's management training program. Use all four levels of evaluation. Research topics 1. Knowledge management. 2. Transfer of training. 3. Measuring return on investment for training. Safety and Security Address the following issues 1. Discuss the process of conducting a job hazard analysis. Would this be helpful in light of the increasing workers' compensation claims? 2. Are wellness activities and flexible scheduling just an expensive perk, or is there a real return on investment for the organization? Discuss the business case for wellness and flexible scheduling. 3. Discuss the possibility of differentiating health insurance coverage. Can PAC provide different levels of coverage for smokers and nonsmokers or require smokers to pay their own premiums? What about dependents who smoke? What about discrimination issues? Activity 1 Carpal tunnel syndrome seems to be a significant problem at PAC Resources. Design a formal program to prevent the risk of carpal tunnel and discuss implementation of the program. Page < 26 > of 33 ZOOM +