Problem-Solving Perspective

1. What is the underlying problem in this case from the CDC's perspective?

2. What are some of the causes from this problem?


3. Do you think carnival CEO Arnold Donald should be held personally liable? Explain your rationale

Applications of Chapter Content

1. Using Figure 10.1, describe the forces for change both inside and outside Carnival during the outbreaks?

2. Does Carnival need adaptive, innovative, or radically innovate change? Explain

3. Utilize Lewin's model of change (Figure 10.2) as a blueprint to describe how Carnival's executives might inspire change at Carnival

4. Use a force-field analysis to explain the changes that did and did not occur at Carnival during the outbreaks

5. Think about the outbreaks of COVID-19 aboard Carnival cruise ships and utilize the organizational development process (Figure 10.4) to remedy the issue.

6. What specific reasons can you see for Carnival's executives' resistance to change? Explain