4. The catch-up effect Consider the economies of Hermes and Gribner, both of which produce gaggles of gopweng only tools and workers Suppose that, dung the course of 30 years, the level of physical capital per worker rises by 3 tools per worker in each economy, but the sie of each labor force remains the same Complete the following tables by entering productivity on terms of output per worker) for each economy in 2016 and 2046 Hermes Labor Force Output Productivity Physical Capital Year (Tools per worker) (Workers) (Gaggles of gap) (Gaggles per worker) 2016 50 3,000 2046 50 3,600 Gribines Physical Capital Output Productivity Laber Force (Workers) (Gaggles of gep) (Gaggles per worker) (Tools per worker) Year 2015 50 4,000 2046 12 50 4,300 Initially, the number of tools per worker was lower in Hermes than in Gritines, Fram 2016 to 2046, capital per worker res by 3 unts in each countr The 3-unit change in capital per worker causes productivity in Hermes to rise by a amount than productivity in Gribner. The rates effect. the S لها 014 F H O