Can someone reword this?
First of all, I believe that community service will bring great benefits to the students. This is because working towards improving their communities will give students a sense of accomplishment as well as a sense of unity with their neighbors.
Secondly, I believe that this will bring great benefits to the community as well. Many people in the community could use help in various matters. Therefore, the community will be happier and stronger if high school students collaborate in such a significant way.
There are some people who will argue that high school students do not have the time necessary to do all these hours. However, I would argue that this is an essential part of education. Students will learn the values of citizenship, respect, and love for their neighbours. This is so valuable it deserves to have a rightful place in their curriculum. Moreover, if students do these hours over their whole high school career, the activity will not pose a significant obstacle to achieving other goals they might have.
In conclusion, I believe the policy would greatly benefit both students and the community, and therefore, I urge you to support it. Thank you.