a) The weekly demand for pancakes among the 2021 cohort of B$c Admin students at UGBS as estimated by the tsearch unit in the FinanceDepuriment&s given by Qd, =50-4Px +0.51 +10P, 2P,
Where Ox is the quantity demuoded for pancakes, Ps is the pace of pancake, I is the income of contumers in Gluma cedis. Py and Pa are the prices of two goods that are reluted to pancales.
Based on the demand function above, what type of goods are pancakes?
Explain your answer.
1. Based on the demand function above, what us the relationship between
pancakes and good Y. Explan your answer.
it Bused on the demand function above, what is the relationship between
pancakes and good 2. Explain yout answer.
What is the equaton of the demand for pancakes if consumer incomes areCH830, the pace of good Y is GHS 10 and the price of pood 2. is GH$ 209
Graph the demand functon for pancakes from(iv)