A bill of material is desired for a bracket (Z 100) that is made up of a base (A springs (B 11) and four clamps (C 20). The base is assembled from one clamp (C two housings (D 21). Each clamp has one handle (E 30) and each housing bearings (F 31) and one shaft (G 32). (a) Design a product structure tree that includes the level coding information. (b) Show the data in the form of an indented bill of material. 1. A bill of material is desired for a bracket (Z 100) that is made up of a base (A 10), two springs (B 11) and four clamps (C 20). The base is assembled from one clamp (C 20) and two housings (D 21). Each clamp has one handle (E 30) and each housing has two bearings (F 31) and one shaft (G 32). (a) Design a product structure tree that includes the level coding information. (b) Show the data in the form of an indented bill of material.