After reading the Clocky Case study linked above, answer the following questions:

What are the key marketing challenges facing Gauri Nanda?

How would you prioritize them in terms of which are the most critical to effectively bring her new product to market?

Nanda has several options for positioning Clocky. How would you segment the potential market for Clocky?

Are the additional segments other than "need" and "fun." Outline the value proposition for each target segment. Given your chosen positioning option, recommend the key components of a marketing launch plan for Clocky. Include recommendations on Clocky’s product design/features and manufacturing location, pricing, retail channels and distribution plan and marketing communications? Which of these positioning options are the most feasible given product development of Clocky to date and Nanda’s goal, resources and capabilities?

Do you see the positioning changing over time?

Which of the positioning options are the most valuable to Nanda give her aspirations as an entrepreneur?

What are the rewards and risks of the flurry of media attention surrounding Clocky one year prior to launch?

How can Nanda better capture the rewards and minimize the risks? How would you manage continued media attention given the product is not complete?