a. the bottom chamber of both sides of the heart
b. the dome-shaped muscle at the base of the chest cavity that contracts and lowers to draw oxygen into the lungs, then relaxes and lowers to push carbon dioxide out
c. the liquid part of the blood
d. the protein that colors red blood cells and allows them to carry oxygen to the tissues
e. the passageway out of the body for urine
f. the top chamber of both sides of the heart
g. the tube that carries food to the stomach
h. the two branches of the windpipe that descend to the right and left lungs
i. muscles that operate completely outside of conscious thought
j. tiny blood vessels where pickup of wastes and delivery of oxygen and food takes place tiny filtering units in the kidneys
k. a waste product that is made up of leftover parts of used proteins and is high in nitrogen
l. urea and other waste substances that are collected in the bladder