A random variable x is said to belong to the one-parameter exponential family of distributions if its pdf can be written in the form: Síx;6)=exp[AO)B(x) + C(x)+D(0)] where A(O), DCO) are functions of the single parameter 0 (but not x) and B(x), C(x) are functions of (but not ). Write down the likelihood function, given a random sample X,, X2,...,x, from the distribution with pdf f(x;0). (2 Marks) (b) If the likelihood function can be expressed as the product of a function which depends on 0 and which depends on the data only through a statistic T(x,x2,...,x.) and a function that does not depend on 0, then it can be shown that T is a sufficient statistic for 0. Use this result to show that B(x) is a a sufficient statistic for 0 in the one-parameter exponential family of part (b). (3 Marks) c) If the sample consists of iid observations from the Uniform distribution on the interval (0,0), identify a sufficient statistic for 0.