Suppose data are normally distributed with a mean of 120 and a standard deviation of 30. Between what two values will approximately 68% of the data fall? A. 60 and 180 B. 90 and 150 C. 105 and 135 D. 140 and 170 Table 2: Computer output of an analysis to determine whether children whose mothers consumed different rations differed in mean birth weight Source of Sum of Degree of Mean Sup Square Freedomian S F Variation P SS) GODE Among Groups Within Group Total 2 12 145.4 73. Referring to Table 2 the outcome variable is A. Mothers B. Children C. Birth weight D. Different rations 74. Referring to Table 2, the independent variable (factor) has how many levels? A 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 75. Referring to Table 2 the Within group sum of square is: A. 113.2 B. 35.2 C. 148.4 D. 12 76. Referring to Table 2, the total degrees of freedom (df) is: A. 12. C. 15. D. 16.