:Summarize the following paragraph in 2 paragraphs: On June 22, 1941, Markey woke up to the sound of explosions. Nazi Germär
had broken their pact with the Soviet Union and once again Lvov was being
bombed, as the Nazis tried to advance into Soviet territory. During the
bombings, the Hermans went down into the cellar for shelter, but their building
was hit during the fighting. The room went dark and the cellar filled with dust.
Marek's father smashed through a window and led the family out to one of the
public shelters, where they stayed until the Germans entered the city.
Aunt Hela and Uncle Moshe fled deep into the Soviet Union because they had
heard that the Nazis were vicious towards Communists in the areas they
occupied. Aunt Hela and Uncle Moshe asked Marek's family to join them, but
Marek's father refused. He believed that the Germans were a civilized and
cultured people, and couldn't imagine that it was necessary to run towards an
unknown future in a distant land.
The Herman family's financial situation deteriorated again under the Nazis.
Marek's parents lost their jobs, and his father began selling his handmade hats
on the street. It was now easy for the Nazis to identify Jews on the streets
because they had to wear an armband with the Star of David on it. When there
were German soldiers on the streets, Mr. Herman hid in the cellar so he would
not be assaulted.