Answer the prompt below. Use the rubric in the materials for help if needed.

Study the class schedule below. In complete sentences in Spanish, state the times for four different classes. Be sure to write out the times in words, not in numerals. For example, in English you would say "Biology class is at three o'clock in the afternoon," not "Biology class is at 3:00 p.m."

Note: Remember that there is a difference in the way you express "It is [time of day]" and the way you say "[Event/class] is at [time of day]."

Use details to support your answer.
Mi horario de clases
La historia 7:20
El arte 8:15
La biología 9:10
La literatura 10:05
El almuerzo 11:00
La geografía 11:55
Las matemáticas 12:50
La educación física 1:45
El inglés 2:40