In this problem, you will adapt Counting-Sort to be used on characters, and then consider the
application of Radix-Sort to arrange an array of strings in alphabetical order. The task is broken into parts to clarify expectations
(a) In whatever language vou'd like, implement a version of Counting-Sort that operates as follows:
- Input is an arrav of strines of lowercase letters. each string of length 8.
- Your implementation should take an argument 2. and sort these strings based on the 2th character in each string.
(b) What is the theoretical time complexity (in asymptotic notation) of your implementation of Counting-Sort.
in terms of the number n of strings in your array? We assume that n is much larger than 26. Perform tests
with appropriatelv sized input to confirm vour predictions. and fit an appropriate tunction to your data Include all analysis in your own write up.
(c) Discuss. in general. how vou might use Radix-Sort to out an arrav of strines in alphabetical order.
At actual implementation is not required, but some pseudocode may be usetul. Under ideal circumstances, what Is the (asymptotic) time complexity in terms of the number n of strings? What are these ideal circumstances