Consider operation of an ideal thrust chamber operating at 11 km altitude (pa = 22.7 kPa). It has the following characteristics: • Stagnation pressure 1 MPa • Stagnation temperature 3200 K • Throat area 0.035 m2 • Exit area 0.7 m2 • Propellant gas has 3 = 1.25 and molar mass (M) 12 (a) Verify that the exit velocity of the flow is supersonic. (b) Calculate the exit conditions (Mach number, velocity, pressure) of the jet (c) Determine the mass flow rate and the thrust generated (d) Calculate the characteristic velocity and the thrust coefficient if the thrust chamber described above were operated at sea level (pa = 101 kPa), will the exit jet be supersonic? Explain. If it is not, where will the shock be located: at the exit plane? Inside the nozzle? Again, explain.