Ting = a Ti-ujt b Tituj tc Tighet d Tijft where, a=6= & - 2 try c=2= (Ayey² 2 [+(47)] 2 Suppose the plate is a square with unit length so that Ax = 1/(Nx-1), Ay = 1/(Ny-1) (3) Simplify Eq. (2). The boundary conditions for T are as follows. On AC (i=1); T(x=0, y)= y (4a) On AB (=1): T(x, y=0)= -2sin(31x/2). (4b) On BD (i=Nx): T(x=1, y)= 1-sin(ny)-0.9*sin(2ty) (4c) On CD (j=Ny): T(x=0, y=1)=(2x-1| (40) Discretize the above boundary conditions. That is, express the dependence of T on i and j, instead of on x and y in Egns (4a-d).