aining Time: 14 minutes, 23 seconds. estion Completion Status: Choose a term from COLUMN B that matches a description in COLUMN A ✓ Mass vaccination roll-out programme for COVID-19 in South Africa. ✓ Scenic beauty of the majestic Magoebaskloof and Thate Vondo forest in Limpopo province Ducline of the purchasing power of a given currency over time e.g., Rand (ZAR). ✓ It is included as part of an irresponsible tourism practice which have detrimental effect on tourism facilities. ✓ Consumers are exposed to large amounts of information within the tourism industry. ✓ Subsidiaries of Tovest group operating directly and indirectly in the SA tourism industry. ✓ Unique value cracing strategy not simultaneously being implemented by any competitor. It enables the organisation to formulate strategy considering an assessment of key rivals. ✓ Are used to support other SBUs of the tourism organisation with weak market share and low growth Tourvest group want to be southern Africa's undisputed leading global travel management company sustainable long into the future" will save this response. A. Technological environment B. Mission statement C. Competitor analysis D. Competitive advantage E. Health and safety F. Cash cows G. Overcrowding H. Inflation 1. General Electric Company grid Natural resources