Reading Assignment: "Predicting Consumer Tastes with Big Data at GAP," HBS Case. 2. Submission Instruction of One-pager • The report should be formatted as such: o 1 page, single-spaced: Time New Romans, 12 point o 1-2 paragraph answer for each question • Upload the softcopy (docx, pdf) of your report to Cyber Campus (Case Report Folder) by Sep 30, 2021, 1pm o Name your file with this format: [MGT4224] Case_Report2_Your Student Number.docx 3. Assignment Questions: 1) Was Peck correct in firing his creative directors and replacing them with a big data-driven creative process? Why or why not? 2) Does the big data approach work for all three of Gap Inc.’s primary brands: Old Navy, Gap, and Banana Republic? Why or why not? Which brands are better/worse served by this strategy? Why? 3) Should Peck allow Gap Inc.’s brands to be sold on Amazon? Why or why not? What opportunities and challenges does this plan present? If Gap sells through Amazon, should the company be a wholesaler or a third-party seller? Why? 4) For which purposes is big data/predictive analytics more or less useful in marketing? As we move into a world filled with more data, what is the role of art vs. science in marketing? Under which conditions should "science" rule and under which conditions should "art" rule?