Using the below code, do the following:
int main (int argc, char** argv) {
printf ("# of arguments passed: %d\n", argc) ;
for (int i=0; i< argc ; i++) { printf ( "argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i] ) ;} return (0) ;}
1) convert any argument that is actually a number, from its string form into an integer using sscanf(). As a small hint, look at the return type of sscanf(), notice that if it makes a match, you get the # of matches it made to your string as a return.
2) store any integer arguments into an array of integers (you may assume we’ll never pass in 10 integers at any time). For the above example (./program3 arg1 2 arg3 4 arg5), your program would generate an array: {2, 4}
3) store any non-integer argument (example: arg1) into 1 large string – separated by spaces, using sprint(). For the above example, your program would generate a string: "program3 arg1 arg3". You may assume a maximum length of 250 for this string.
4) print out the contents of your integer array (a newline after each element) and the contents of your single string.