Jane went to see her medical provider to discuss the results of recent lab work:
Cholesterol: 250 mg/dl LDL: 160 mg/dl HDL: 65 mg/dl Triglycerides: 120 mg/dl
Her 24-hour food recall is:
Breakfast o 3 eggs o 3 slices white toast with 1 Tbsp. butter o 16 oz. OJ
Lunch o Sandwich: o ½ c canned salmon o 1 Tbsp. soybean oil mayonnaise o 1 slice cheddar cheese o 1 whole pita bread o 1 large chocolate chip cookie o 12 oz. coke
Dinner o chicken sautéed in olive oil o 2 cups green salad with ¼ cup corn oil ranch dressing o 1 small dinner roll with 1 Tbsp. canola margarine o 12 oz. whole milk
Snack o 1 cup ice cream o ½ cup salted peanuts
Evaluate the results of Jane’s lab results and her dietary recall. Cholesterol Levels: What You Need to Know (https://medlineplus.gov/cholesterollevelswhatyouneedtoknow.html) Answer the following questions based on your evaluation.
1. Name foods in Jane’s food recall that contain high amounts of: a. Essential fatty acids b. Saturated fat c. Monounsaturated fat d. Polyunsaturated fat e. Trans fat