Enter your answer to Part B here: The four leading causes of World War I are alliances, militarism, imperialism, and nationalism. The cause that had the most significant impact on starting the war was the alliance system. The alliance system created a situation where if one country went to war, its allies were obligated to go to war with them. This led to a domino effect where countries were pulled into the battle individually, ultimately resulting in a global conflict. The second most impactful cause was militarism, which involved military power buildup and glorifying war. As a result, there was an arms race between the major powers, further increasing tensions and making war more likely. Imperialism, the desire for territorial expansion and economic dominance, was the third most impactful cause. The competition for colonies and resources worldwide led to conflicts between the major powers. Finally, nationalism, the belief in the superiority of one's own country, had the most negligible impact on starting the war. While it did contribute to tensions between countries, the conflict was not the main catalyst for war. Ranking: 1. Alliances 2. Militarism 3. Imperialism 4. Nationalism.

Use my answer please.

Part C
In the space provided, justify your ranking from part B of this task. Briefly make an argument for why you think one cause had a bigger impact than the other causes. Your answer should be about 100 to 150 words long and include evidence to support your argument. The evidence can come from the lessons in this unit or from outside sources. Be sure to list the sources that you used to support your answer.